Officials announce no threat to Ohio residents from Michigan oil spill
(OTTAWA LAKE, Michigan) – Monroe County and U.S. EPA officials are stressing that there is no risk to Ohio residents at this time from a diesel spill in Whiteford Township last month.
On March 22, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, or EGLE, was notified about an unknown sheen in Tenmile Creek. On March 26, EGLE requested EPA assistance to identify the source of the diesel fuel, and to help with downstream containment and recovery operations. EPA arrived later that day to begin removing pooled diesel via vacuum trucks into holding tanks. Investigators identified the source as a leaking diesel fuel line at the Pilot Travel Center located at 6158 New US 223 in Ottawa Lake, Michigan. The discharge of diesel flowed into an on-site storm sewer, retention pond, and offsite storm sewer leading into North Tenmile Creek near the southwest corner of the US 23 and US 223 interchange. EPA placed an absorbent boom at the outfall and along the creek to contain and collect remaining diesel. |
The source of the leak was repaired and oil is contained. Two recovery wells next to the pipe were tested and still contain diesel. An underflow dam in North Tenmile Creek at Erie Street was installed Thursday.
A boom has been redeployed at seven locations along North Tenmile Creek, south of the outfall (Sunoco, Erie Road, Bibb Road, Temperance Road, Consear Road, Jeff’s Road, and Yankee Road). The hard boom on location along Jeff’s Road north of W Sterns Road has not yet been replaced due to unsafe water conditions.
EPA continues to provide oversight of all on-site and off-site work in the waterways, ensuring the safety of workers and documenting efforts.
As of April 4, 12,141 gallons of diesel have been collected. The company has collected 322,222 gallons of liquid that includes the diesel and a mixture of diesel and water. This water will be treated or disposed of properly.
This week, EGLE and the Monroe County Health Department began sampling nearby private drinking water wells. For more information about this sampling effort, please visit the Monroe County Health Department website.
The EPA is posting daily updates, including photos, contact info and a summary of work being done in response to this incident on its website.
A boom has been redeployed at seven locations along North Tenmile Creek, south of the outfall (Sunoco, Erie Road, Bibb Road, Temperance Road, Consear Road, Jeff’s Road, and Yankee Road). The hard boom on location along Jeff’s Road north of W Sterns Road has not yet been replaced due to unsafe water conditions.
EPA continues to provide oversight of all on-site and off-site work in the waterways, ensuring the safety of workers and documenting efforts.
As of April 4, 12,141 gallons of diesel have been collected. The company has collected 322,222 gallons of liquid that includes the diesel and a mixture of diesel and water. This water will be treated or disposed of properly.
This week, EGLE and the Monroe County Health Department began sampling nearby private drinking water wells. For more information about this sampling effort, please visit the Monroe County Health Department website.
The EPA is posting daily updates, including photos, contact info and a summary of work being done in response to this incident on its website.